Did I hear a "PEEP"?
We got our children a chicken incubator for Christmas this year. A perfect gift for Trisonschickery don’t ya say! Well we collect 23 eggs and popped them things in there and waited the appointed 21 days and guess what………………….

Yep, the first one must a been a rooster, for he cracked open and was a peeping loud and clear 5:45 am on Monday morning!!
Then several more decided they wanted in on the show and out they popped too! Peep peep peep . Here a peep, there a peep, everywhere a peep peep!!
There ain’t nuthin’ like seein’ a chick crack open and come out into the bright new world. They are so cute and fluffy after about an hour. They just look up at ya and peep. We had 14 hatch right away.
Just wanted to give ya a peep into whats going on here at trisons chickery these days!

Hurray! As the chickens die here it is nice to know that eggs still hatch, chicks still survive, and there's hope for the future!
Just looked at your blog for the first time. How neat to see your life in action. The boys are getting so grown up and handsome. It is probably hard work but looks like great fun.
Sandi Funderburk has a computer with internet access now so I will email the address to them so she can have a look see at how things are going with your family.
In Christ, Leah
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