We went out to the goat pen last Saturday to check on the two new kids, born on Christmas Eve. I took out the mamma’s favorite treat---Triscuit crackers, and some corn for the other goat Buckwheat. Taking food in hopes that we could get a good look at the little cuties! As I watched my husband come to the fence side with one to show me, I noticed right away it’s eyes. And as my husband approached, he said he is blind. We were devastated! Blind? Sure enough both eyes were completely white. I recalled many times looking out the kitchen window thinking that something was wrong with the one kid---he seemed to lag behind and be smaller than the other, but I just thought that was normal when having twins. Just after my husband put him down---he ran full steam into the metal side of the shelter they live in. Yes, he was indeed blind. So much of his behavior made sense now. Poor poor thing. My heart is just broken for him. It made me thing even more of how many children with handicaps and deformities are just shrugged off and left because of imperfectness!
A more sobering parallel is the children of Israel.
The ever looking – but never seeing--- blinded people!
He said, "Go and tell this people: "'Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.' Isaiah 6:9
A scary thought. As we watch this wee little kid bump into things, often frightened, how easily it would be to led it into danger and destruction. And this is just what happened to the hard hearted Israelites. They were blinded to the Truth, which led them down the road to their own “light” and to make up their own “truth”. A new religion that had no need for light at all. The sad thing is they were never “seeing” their need for a Redeemer!
We often think we would never be like that. Yet I challenge you. What have you turned a “deaf” ear to that has spoken to you in God’s Word. What Truths do you simply culturalize out so you do not have to obey. Or perhaps you just don’t read much of the Word so you don’t have much to obey? I think we do, it just looks different.
Just one last note on this thought of “blinded” to the Truth is in evangelizing others. Though we are commanded to do so in the “Great Commission” However, we are NOT to coheres, persuade, manipulate, give a man centered gospel, share an easy believism, or in any way do God’s work in “opening eyes”! We are not the “eye openers”! We are not the “converters”. We are not the heart changers. We are the gospel proclaimers as the Holy Spirit gives us opportunities! And nothing more. Anything else is saying that God can not save a person without our help. And that my friends is simply not true.
Walk in The Light!
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7