Tears Mingled with Ashes
Still even as I write this the surge of emotion that grabs my throat is overwhelming! When you feel as though you have seen “the face of God” so to speak. Or that God has been very “Real” in a message, it astounds me! He most recently spoke very clearly that He wants me & my family to stay on in this world for now. He must still have work for us to do!
This is what happened: I needed to buy fabric for some quilts and our family decided to go up to Franklin, TN (about 1 ½ hours from our home) to Hobby Lobby last Monday night. We were not on the road ½ an hour before it began to storm on us. And I mean storm!! Lightning bolts like crazy, jumping thunder. Rain so hard we drove at a near crawl much of the way with my husband leaning forward to see out the windshield. I did not know it but later only to be told there were Tornado warnings out! I believe it! We did make it to the store, completed our task and drove home the same way in the midst of this severe storm! When we got home we went right to bed being very exhausted after such a wearisome trip!
The next morning at about 4:45 am, I got up and began fixing coffee. Only the strangest thing, the pot would not work. So after fiddling with it, I called my husband to check it out. Being a man he simply unplugged it and plugged it into another outlet and turned it on!! (I laughed at the simplicity). But then he went to the fuse box to check things out. Noticing a switch had been thrown, he flipped it back on. Immediately the bottom of our little freezer caught fire, sizzled and went out! Of course I was screaming by then for my husband to come!
When he came to see the freezer, he said you are not going to believe this. I too walked over to it. There was ash all up the entire wall behind it. Covering the decorations above it. As he pulled it out a bit, all my cookbooks which I had on top against the wall, were burnt on the edges and some backs. Ash was all over the stuff I had on top. Plus as I walked around I noticed it on all the wall decorations around the room. As well as across most of the table and chairs. The wall was black behind the freezer. WOW! What do you say? We were astonished.
At first we thought it had happened while we had been gone. But since we did not go into the kitchen but straight to bed, we did not know. But soon after my husband left for work, I was blowing my nose and a good amount of black soot came out. That could only mean one thing. That during the night as I slept in the recliner (which is right next to the kitchen) that fire had happened while we were sleeping! I was in the recliner due to a bad hip & back I can only usually sleep no more than 4 hours in the bed so often I get up and sleep in the living room for a bit. That is a scary thing! It had to have been bad to do such damage.
My husband still suspects that a lightening bolt must have hit close by and a surge of electricity went to the closest thing on—which was the freezer! It caught fire and burned. As my husband cleaned it up—which was a mess. He showed me the holes in the wood floor when the fire had literally burned deep holes. As well as the part that did not come off the baseboard. He also had to clean the back of the freezer some just so it would not get on him! He looked at the elements which had completely melted down!
What a sobering thing. What a sobering thought. Yes, there is no “earthly” reason we are here today. That I would be alive to type this is a miracle! But evidently there WAS a “Heavenly” reason that our house did not burn down to the ground and taken all of us with it! As I wiped down the counters, table, chairs, decorations, other things in the kitchen that had ashes, all I could do is cry! Oh Lord that You should spare me my life or that I would be spared and not my husband or children??!! I can not fathom! Nor to watch all my memories and pictures be destroyed (which is a smaller thing by far!) But that is what happened. Yes tears mingled with ashes as I cried my heart’s gratitude of being spared such a horrific event. I did not complain to clean so much. I can not clean my cookbooks. But they will ever serve as a reminder of how closed to “cooked” we almost became.
What does God have for us to still do??? I do not know. But my attention He has and I shall be ready to anything He shall ask. As I reflected on that night………………I shivered as I thought,
I have been redeemed from “The Fire” of Eternal Damnation.
Snatched from the flames of Hell.
Was that night not a shuddering visual of my own redemption!
The Wiggins: California transplants now in Middle Tennessee: Our Hearts Desire is to Follow Christ and to Live our Lives here on Earth to the Glory of God
About Me

- Waves of Grace
- A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Ewe Lamb
I have always had a big spot in my heart for sheep. I love all the animals on our farm. There are chickens to cluck & pigs to squeal. 3 sheep (one of which I will talk about later). One rolly polly fat pet miniature goat but of course, he is not allowed inside the house! But we all love the dog! Also, we have turkeys just in time for Thanksgiving. Not to mention, the Christmas goose (we have a few of those!) Our most recent additions are two cows that my brother owns. One is a bottle calf and the other a young heifer. Oh and I almost forgot, we have rabbits too! But out of all the animals the sheep steal my heart!
So when my dad & another sheep man were talking one day. The other man mentioned that he had a ewe lamb that looked like the ram we had. It got my dad to thinking………………

And my dad act me if I wanted to buy the ewe lamb and I seed yes so he tolled the man that I wooed buy it and I did so. She is part hair sheep & part wool sheep. She
is about 9 months old and very cute. I named her Éclair because of her spectacular color arrangement! Yes, she looks just like the “Éclair donut”!! She is dark brown on the majority of her body, then she has a fuzzy caramel topping all on her back. And an adorable cute white face.
I love her!
She blends well with Rocky Roads, the ram that looks like her. And the other sheep Sinoman (Cinnamon) all “hoof” around together! I have so many other things to be grateful for especially my ewe lamb Éclair!
Written by: Zechariah
The Ewe Lamb
I have always had a big spot in my heart for sheep. I love all the animals on our farm. There are chickens to cluck & pigs to squeal. 3 sheep (one of which I will talk about later). One rolly polly fat pet miniature goat but of course, he is not allowed inside the house! But we all love the dog! Also, we have turkeys just in time for Thanksgiving. Not to mention, the Christmas goose (we have a few of those!) Our most recent additions are two cows that my brother owns. One is a bottle calf and the other a young heifer. Oh and I almost forgot, we have rabbits too! But out of all the animals the sheep steal my heart!
So when my dad & another sheep man were talking one day. The other man mentioned that he had a ewe lamb that looked like the ram we had. It got my dad to thinking………………

And my dad act me if I wanted to buy the ewe lamb and I seed yes so he tolled the man that I wooed buy it and I did so. She is part hair sheep & part wool sheep. She
is about 9 months old and very cute. I named her Éclair because of her spectacular color arrangement! Yes, she looks just like the “Éclair donut”!! She is dark brown on the majority of her body, then she has a fuzzy caramel topping all on her back. And an adorable cute white face.
I love her!
She blends well with Rocky Roads, the ram that looks like her. And the other sheep Sinoman (Cinnamon) all “hoof” around together! I have so many other things to be grateful for especially my ewe lamb Éclair!
Written by: Zechariah
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Breed or Feed
We just could not wait for a bigger place to get started on the absolutely mooovelous project of “growing” our own beef. We have already added pig, goat, chicken, deer, rabbit, goose, turkey, duck & squirrel to our “home freezer” of meat that we eat. But many members of our family still favor the ole cow!
We have been splitting cows with a friend of ours for some time. We have split 3 in the past year. This last one we killed was the toughest to butcher of all three we have done so far.

Just over four weeks ago we got a Holstein calf that was just 8 days old. We are preparing to wean him at this time. His name is Flank. He weighs about 150 pounds. He will most likely be dinner or sold at auction at some point. Soon after we got him we put him on one and one-half bottles (each holding two quarts) of calf formula twice a day. Then we changed to two bottles twice a day. More recently we have changed to a one bottle ration split more or less evenly over two bottles twice a day. Now we are giving a single formula ration in one bottle twice a day. We are planning to reduce his feedings to a single feeding with one bottle prior to weaning. It has been neat to bottle feed Flank as I have never bottle fed an animal before. Not to mention how he follows me around and moos for his “momma” (me). He is real cute. I will have to be careful that he does not “steal” my heart!
We got a new Black Angus heifer Monday. She weighs around five hundred pounds and is named Bossy because she bossed around Flank. I think they are going to get along fine. Several of us have hand fed her. She will be breeding stock most likely.
I think that this will be an interesting project. Although I like doing cows, I must remember that they all belong to God.
Written by: Samuel
Breed or Feed
We just could not wait for a bigger place to get started on the absolutely mooovelous project of “growing” our own beef. We have already added pig, goat, chicken, deer, rabbit, goose, turkey, duck & squirrel to our “home freezer” of meat that we eat. But many members of our family still favor the ole cow!
We have been splitting cows with a friend of ours for some time. We have split 3 in the past year. This last one we killed was the toughest to butcher of all three we have done so far.

Just over four weeks ago we got a Holstein calf that was just 8 days old. We are preparing to wean him at this time. His name is Flank. He weighs about 150 pounds. He will most likely be dinner or sold at auction at some point. Soon after we got him we put him on one and one-half bottles (each holding two quarts) of calf formula twice a day. Then we changed to two bottles twice a day. More recently we have changed to a one bottle ration split more or less evenly over two bottles twice a day. Now we are giving a single formula ration in one bottle twice a day. We are planning to reduce his feedings to a single feeding with one bottle prior to weaning. It has been neat to bottle feed Flank as I have never bottle fed an animal before. Not to mention how he follows me around and moos for his “momma” (me). He is real cute. I will have to be careful that he does not “steal” my heart!
We got a new Black Angus heifer Monday. She weighs around five hundred pounds and is named Bossy because she bossed around Flank. I think they are going to get along fine. Several of us have hand fed her. She will be breeding stock most likely.
I think that this will be an interesting project. Although I like doing cows, I must remember that they all belong to God.
Written by: Samuel
Saturday, September 08, 2007

Our House is 4 Sale
Amidst the flurry of summer activities, about one month ago we listed our house on the market with John Peck of Century 21 MidState Realty. This has been an adventure and will continue to be as we seek God on this issue.
We have a variety of reasons for wanting to move. Dad had changed jobs from working at ATA at AEDC Arnold AFB, TN to DIA/MSIC Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL in Mid-April 2007 which is about an hour and twenty minutes from here. We also would like more land or at least more useable land. Also we attend church in Belvidere, TN which is about fifty minutes from here.
We have been looking at real estate. We started looking at real estate during the winter. The first place we were interested in to an extent was an apple orchard at Huntland, TN. Then we looked at some property with an agent. Then we thought that some people my sale their house on Baxter Hollow which Dad really liked . Then we heard that the people living in it had decided to buy it (we think God may still have this as our new house we will have to wait and see if they move out). We right now are trying to go down avenues until God shuts the door. About the same time we heard that the house on Baxter Hollow was not available we looked at a house on Collins Rd. We were serious about the house on Collins Rd but then the owners took it off the market. But one result from the adventure on Collins Rd is that we found a real estate agent that we really liked. Her Dad, whose is the listing agent for his real estate company, listed our house.
Lately we’ve looked at some pieces of real estate. We liked the house on Lone Star Lane near Booneville, TN pretty well but probably the biggest strike against it is the price tag. We stopped and looked without going inside the house at a house on Raby Hollow near Charity, TN located in Moore County. We liked this house pretty well.
Our zone extends from Belvidere, TN area to Fayetteville, TN to Mt Herman, TN area. It also includes Mulberry, Flintville, and Huntland and some parts of Moore county TN.
We have had two buyer showings.
Pray that we will be open to God’s leading in this matter. Pray also that Mom and Dad will make the right choices
Psalm 127:1 A Song of Ascents, of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain. (NASB)
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Six Little Piggies
You've all heard the story of the three little pigs. I would like to up
the number to six little pigs. Since raising our first batch of porkers
we have decided we like then end BBQ results. So we set out to purchase our next set off piglets.
We found of a man in Beech Grove that raised pigs from a friend, so off we go to get them. The man's name was Duke. Funny he kind of looked like the uncle on Dukes of Hazard. We met him at a gas station and followed him down some back roads to the pig pens. He had already separated 6 piglets out for us, so in short order we were off with our pigs in our goat trailer (more on that later).
By the time we got home it was quite late so we left the pigs in the trailer for the night. After all it held them all the way home. It should be safe over night. Well come the next morning I go out to look at the little varmints. Only problem is they are all gone! So I wake up the house and sent out the search parties (I have to leave for work ~ fortunately enough). Well they searched all morning to no avail. But somehow these pigs made it several miles down the road to a friends
Trout farm.

Talk about divine intervention. Only the Lord could have done this for us! Our friends caught three of the little boogers, lassoed one of them. The other three must have gone the other direction. Laura and the boys hurried off to get them, only to discover that when put in the
trailer they worked themselves almost out. I guess goat panels are best to hold in goats not pigs. Well a little chicken wire and rope later
the trailer was secure. Being that I didn't want to chase anymore pigs I stopped and picked up some humane (not sure what makes them humane but I guess it keeps PETA happy) nose rings on the way home. The pigs have a way of digging out of things. Well wouldn't you know those pigs didn't want to cooperate with the procedure. Sam held them and man did they squeal - all before I had touched them. When I actually put the rings in they got rather quite.

One particular piglet was very unhappy and tried his best to shake that thing loose. We got them all relocated to a dog pen until they get a little bigger. The hog pen has one section of fence installed upside down (big holes at the bottom - bad for little pigs). I had given up any hope of finding the other piglets. Then we got a call the 4th of July. They had been found at a neighbors house down the road - so off the boys and I went to get them. Well that is easier said
than done. They had made their way into the neighbors Buffalo pen, and the Buffalo were none to happy about it. So with one eye on the Buffalo and one on the pigs we preceded to chase them for the better part of an hour. I sure a very funny sight. One old fat man with three boys being
out done by three little pigs.
The Buffalo and myself were not amused. I figured we need to try
another tactic. I sent Sam home for the 22. If they weren't about to
be caught then I wasn't about to just throw away the purchase price.
Well five shots later the pigs were caught - albeit dead. We hurried
home and skinned them out and put them on ice. I cooked up two last
night and froze the third one for another day.
All in all I can't complain about the end results. God provided in the
midst of our comedy - we could have had none but were blessed with
plenty. I couldn't help but draw some similarities. Pigs are wise in
their own eyes. They want their own way and are constantly skeeming for
an escape. We are much like the pigs without Christ. We think we are
pretty smart. Sheep on the other hand are very dependent upon the
shepherd. They might wounder off but they really don't do so on
purpose. They are quite dumb. As we truly are to God's ways. We tend
to be wise in our own eyes, but it is foolishness when compared to God.
Follow Christ and don't trust in yourself. Well that's the end of this
story. Six little piggies went off on their own way - which way will
you go.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Glory Glory Hallelujah
In the
Capital City
Family Trip to Washington D.C.
I would like to share this trip with you in the way of blessings. For there were so many blessings showered upon us, we desire to Praise God for His blessings, to bring all Glory to Him that He should bless us so generously.
Blessing #1:
We were able to go to D.C. with my husband on a business trip. So all gas, food & hotel were free to us. What a blessing!
Blessing #2:
We found someone to watch our farm: Feed, water the many animals including our spoiled dog. And take care of the place. And upon our return all was well!! Not a single animal missing or died! Thank You God!
Blessing #3:
We had a BEAUTIFUL drive up through TN and VA. We have never seen such beautiful countryside before. That was a feast for our souls! WoW! Lord what magnificent creation You have made!
Blessing #4:
We were getting close to some friends home town and we knew our friends happened to be up there visiting their family so we decided to “pop” in on them! That was such a treat. We had to really rack our brains but God help us remember the oddest things in order to find the town, exit and place. It was neat to see the faces of our friends! It was a nice trip break. They too live where you can see the beautiful mountains in the background—very lovely! Praise You Father for sweet friends that You have given us!
Blessing #5:
We got rain several times while we were in D.C. which made the temps cooler for us since we do not handle the heat very well.
Blessing #6:
We got to see very dear friends of ours. We had a wonderful time encouraging one another. Sharpening iron with one another. Sharing in the Word and praying was special. We also got to meet many of the people that our friends are ministering to. That was special.
Blessing #7:
Though the city was VERY crowded and traffic Horrendous, we never had an accident! Thank You Lord. And when on the many times we got lost, He quickly got us turned around!
Blessing #8:
We went to the base pool one day and we were not there long before it began to storm so we had to leave. My boys were grateful to leave (though they love to swim) for there was what is usual about the pool, a lot of flesh showing! So we prayed in earnest about that and for the purity of their hearts and if we should go again. Then the next day it was rainy/cloudy so we did not get to go. Then on Friday, we went and there was only a hand full of people and most all of them little kids! Both days were an answer to prayer. Thank You Lord for Your faithfulness to reward those who seek to please You!
Blessing #9:
The place where my husband had his meetings was in walking distance of our friends house!! That was so unbelievable! The parking for this building was right across the street from their house! Not to mention his meetings were not long and he was able to enjoy visiting with our dear friends too.
Blessing #10:
There was a park just a few houses down by the river the boys loved it. Also there was a volleyball area we all walked to and the kids played there & had a good time. While the parents walked along the walking path along the Potomac River, with the kids in sight of course. That was a real treat to see the boats in the water, it was mild with a breeze (sorta reminded us of CA where we meet these friends of ours). You could see the some of the D.C. buildings in the back ground. It was very nice!
Blessing #11:
My dear Sister Dawn went way out of the way to have all three meals a day very special. She did a lot of memory meals. And just really spent a great deal on our behalf in making meal time special. She went through a lot of time and expense for us and we were very blessed by her servant’s heart in this area. God You are so good to us, we can not begin to express!
Blessing #12:
Watching our kids play together was so like old times! That was a blessing to us! Everyone got along and was so delighted to be together! Yes they were all a bit older but still the same! I also spent time reading to them which was an old time treat for us all.
Blessing #13:
We went to see some of the buildings late on Friday night. It was cool and less traffic, though there was still a lot. It was neat to read President Lincoln’s second inaugural address. There was so much of God’s Sovereignty in it of you looked you could see it.
Blessing #14:
We went to see two Smithsonian museums on Saturday morning. The space one was really cool. The boys and dads really enjoyed it. So did the gals. It was neat to see all the planes hanging from the ceiling and the art in many of the designs. Also, we rode the metro and that was fun and new experience for all of us.
Blessing #15:
I (Laura) developed a HUGE cyst in a VERY unpleasant place. Where the sun don’t shine. I became so miserable along Thursday and Friday that it took so much effort to just get up from a chair until my arms were sore as well. I did not want to go to the doctor. Then by the time we were in the Hotel on our way home Saturday night. Sherman pleaded with me to let him lance the cyst to help with the pain. I do not take pain relievers at night so I was in A LOT of pain. I agreed but he could not ever touch my skin in that area. Most all the area around it was also painful and swollen. He tried & I cried. I was at the end of my pain tolerance and wept out loud. It was hard to let my children see me like that. I was so thankful for him, that he helped doctor me since I could not see what I was doing. So after we went to bed, he grabbed my hand and began to softly pray for me. And God answer his prayers!! The cyst burst during the night. Though it was quite a mess. It did relieve the severe pain. So by the time we were home, I no longer had to take pain meds. I can not tell you how it feels to have such prayers answered! It may have been insignificant to many. But it was not to me. I am in awe that God would care that much!
In the
Capital City
Family Trip to Washington D.C.
I would like to share this trip with you in the way of blessings. For there were so many blessings showered upon us, we desire to Praise God for His blessings, to bring all Glory to Him that He should bless us so generously.
Blessing #1:
We were able to go to D.C. with my husband on a business trip. So all gas, food & hotel were free to us. What a blessing!
Blessing #2:
We found someone to watch our farm: Feed, water the many animals including our spoiled dog. And take care of the place. And upon our return all was well!! Not a single animal missing or died! Thank You God!
Blessing #3:
We had a BEAUTIFUL drive up through TN and VA. We have never seen such beautiful countryside before. That was a feast for our souls! WoW! Lord what magnificent creation You have made!
Blessing #4:
We were getting close to some friends home town and we knew our friends happened to be up there visiting their family so we decided to “pop” in on them! That was such a treat. We had to really rack our brains but God help us remember the oddest things in order to find the town, exit and place. It was neat to see the faces of our friends! It was a nice trip break. They too live where you can see the beautiful mountains in the background—very lovely! Praise You Father for sweet friends that You have given us!
Blessing #5:
We got rain several times while we were in D.C. which made the temps cooler for us since we do not handle the heat very well.
Blessing #6:
We got to see very dear friends of ours. We had a wonderful time encouraging one another. Sharpening iron with one another. Sharing in the Word and praying was special. We also got to meet many of the people that our friends are ministering to. That was special.
Blessing #7:
Though the city was VERY crowded and traffic Horrendous, we never had an accident! Thank You Lord. And when on the many times we got lost, He quickly got us turned around!
Blessing #8:
We went to the base pool one day and we were not there long before it began to storm so we had to leave. My boys were grateful to leave (though they love to swim) for there was what is usual about the pool, a lot of flesh showing! So we prayed in earnest about that and for the purity of their hearts and if we should go again. Then the next day it was rainy/cloudy so we did not get to go. Then on Friday, we went and there was only a hand full of people and most all of them little kids! Both days were an answer to prayer. Thank You Lord for Your faithfulness to reward those who seek to please You!
Blessing #9:
The place where my husband had his meetings was in walking distance of our friends house!! That was so unbelievable! The parking for this building was right across the street from their house! Not to mention his meetings were not long and he was able to enjoy visiting with our dear friends too.
Blessing #10:
There was a park just a few houses down by the river the boys loved it. Also there was a volleyball area we all walked to and the kids played there & had a good time. While the parents walked along the walking path along the Potomac River, with the kids in sight of course. That was a real treat to see the boats in the water, it was mild with a breeze (sorta reminded us of CA where we meet these friends of ours). You could see the some of the D.C. buildings in the back ground. It was very nice!
Blessing #11:
My dear Sister Dawn went way out of the way to have all three meals a day very special. She did a lot of memory meals. And just really spent a great deal on our behalf in making meal time special. She went through a lot of time and expense for us and we were very blessed by her servant’s heart in this area. God You are so good to us, we can not begin to express!
Blessing #12:
Watching our kids play together was so like old times! That was a blessing to us! Everyone got along and was so delighted to be together! Yes they were all a bit older but still the same! I also spent time reading to them which was an old time treat for us all.
Blessing #13:
We went to see some of the buildings late on Friday night. It was cool and less traffic, though there was still a lot. It was neat to read President Lincoln’s second inaugural address. There was so much of God’s Sovereignty in it of you looked you could see it.
Blessing #14:
We went to see two Smithsonian museums on Saturday morning. The space one was really cool. The boys and dads really enjoyed it. So did the gals. It was neat to see all the planes hanging from the ceiling and the art in many of the designs. Also, we rode the metro and that was fun and new experience for all of us.
Blessing #15:
I (Laura) developed a HUGE cyst in a VERY unpleasant place. Where the sun don’t shine. I became so miserable along Thursday and Friday that it took so much effort to just get up from a chair until my arms were sore as well. I did not want to go to the doctor. Then by the time we were in the Hotel on our way home Saturday night. Sherman pleaded with me to let him lance the cyst to help with the pain. I do not take pain relievers at night so I was in A LOT of pain. I agreed but he could not ever touch my skin in that area. Most all the area around it was also painful and swollen. He tried & I cried. I was at the end of my pain tolerance and wept out loud. It was hard to let my children see me like that. I was so thankful for him, that he helped doctor me since I could not see what I was doing. So after we went to bed, he grabbed my hand and began to softly pray for me. And God answer his prayers!! The cyst burst during the night. Though it was quite a mess. It did relieve the severe pain. So by the time we were home, I no longer had to take pain meds. I can not tell you how it feels to have such prayers answered! It may have been insignificant to many. But it was not to me. I am in awe that God would care that much!
Our whole trip was like that. When a problem came up we prayed and
God made a way! It was neat to be in the Spirit while “vacationing”!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Spiritual Housekeeping :
Keeping the World out of your house
Keeping the World out of your house

Recently we had a family come and stay with us. We decided to sorta
go “camping” at home. So we sat outside most of the day and ate outside, played outside etc. However, we slept in comfortable beds with air conditioning and warm showers (sorta cheating isn’t it—it was great!). We had a WONDERFUL time of fellowship in the Word, sharing what Jesus has done in our lives, watching our children learn what it means to put others first etc.
We have all wood floors a big hairy dog, 3 boys in & out, plus guest so you can guess what that equals?? Lots of dirt, hair, trash etc on the floors. Yes I had swept before company came. And the little girl who loves to clean asked if she could sweep my floors. Why Yes Yes little one, go for it, I told her!! I certainly do not turn down such an offer! So sweeping she did! Then the next day her mother sweep up the hugest pile of dirt, hair, trash, toys etc. A bit later, I asked the little girl, could you tell that your mamma sweep today. She sweetly said, no mamm. Her mom then made a comment ever so accurately: It is always the battle of the outside coming inside!!

But the words of the woman had a profound thought to me. Is that not so precisely how difficult it is to keep “the world” out of our homes and hearts!! It is an ever on going process. In constant need of attention. You can not give up as I did with the sweeping & dusting. You must stay at it!
The most confounding part of it all is, where does all the dust & dirt come from?? Even when we do not have company, it is the same. I never see it “crawl” in. It does not ring the door bell and ask for an invitation. It can’t just fall from the ceiling!
Likewise, you will not see “the world” ring the doorbell and come in. They are not going to send you an announcement they are coming. “The world” will quietly, subtly & invisibly sneak in, make itself comfortable on your couch, in your living room. Cleverly disguising itself as to not be noticed while it sits in there with your children, your husband, and yourself. And it will fill every part of your home, just like the dust covers everything in a room, including every nook and corner of the floors!
What am I talking about? Well the list/concept is way too long to write here and it varies for each home. However, still a ever present danger! Here are some crafty ways “the world” sets up housekeeping. One is the news on TV. Which has every lust on the list—only it is quote true. The discovery channel & others of the sorts, has extreme evolution, demeaning what God’s Word says. Or such “learning” shows as Sesame Street that have VERY subtle humanistic philosophies. Now these are the “excuse” shows that most people tell me they only watch. Which is usually not even true either. So there is not a single show I can think of on TV that I would watch with Jesus sitting next to me. I challenge anyone who thinks there is……………I would like to see it, because I do not believe it. Now there are those who only watch videos. But satan is even more clever there! He more deceptively puts in those “good” videos selfishness, single family units, the best man wins, get all you can get and much more. In general opposite the attitudes and actions we are supposed to have according to God’s Word. I encourage you to NEVER use the TV/Videos as a babysitter while you get some “house cleaning” done (because you may be making more of a mess in the hearts of your children).
This same concept of concerns and discernment needs to be used in books, magazines, etc. that enter your home (especially from the library!). Or those loaned to you. Even your school curriculum needs checked out. Computer games—what do they accomplish?? Very little good most of the time. Also, the internet (I call it “Enter the Net” –Entertainment Trap). You and Your husband should have a filter, they cost money but “free” from “the world” is never without it’s costs!! You & your spouse as well need to control what you are doing and the time spent on it. Even though it may be “good” things you doing but what “should” you be doing?? The “net” is a “one-man/woman fish game”. It has no family value to it at all. This perhaps is the newest more deceptive scheme that satan has been very successful at. Many have fallen into grave sinful habits on the “net trap”, but many are just “trapped” there. Get loose and take a “fast” from the computer and just do some housecleaning. It maybe inches think in “dust”!
One other way I want to mention is the dirt that comes in off the kids (and parents alike) clothes and shoes. After they have been out in “the world”. Whether to Wal-mart with you. Grocery shopping with you, to the library. After Sunday church or a Bible study. And after visiting with friends or extended family they have a bunch of “dirt” that they bring back to the house (with out ever even knowing it!!). Then as they walk sit and live all the while the dirt falls off of them and begins to cover the floor. It is the same in the physical sense as the Spiritual. So you need to be aware of the things your children see (even things you may be desinsitized to) out in the public arenas that you have no control over them seeing & hearing. Talk to them about it, “clean them up” before you let them bring it into the home so to speak.
In closing I want you to think about Judas Iscariot. How very subtle he was. He was one of the twelve, who was right there in the midst of Jesus Ministry but never noticed, it is so with the sly ways of satan and he is persistent to bring “the world” into your home. Be attentive! You are in battle, do not rest! You can not hire a maid either! Do not be lazy, or you yourself will be covered in “dust”!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Always such a Ham
An interesting thing happened yesterday (ok a few yesterdays ago). The pig managed to get out of the pen. He tore the field fencing away from the post near the gate.
Fortunately he went into the goat yard. The other animals were not happy about it. Laura and Joshua had been throwing up in the mean time. So Laura/Sam/Zech went out to catch the pig. After chasing it around they gave up and Sam took off his gloves. Just then the pig came
by and Sam grab his rear legs. Before he could let go the pig promptly drug him under one of the goat platforms, through the manure/rocks/wood. When Sam was able to let go the pigs rear hoof cut open his index finger, this required some stitches. His clothes and body were both torn up.
Now Laura being sick takes him to the hospital. I have the car so she had to take the truck. Promptly getting it stuck backing out of the driveway. Now Jason from the trout farm had come up to look at Sam's hand and the pig. He had to get the truck unstuck and then Laura drove onto the hospital with her bowl in hand. In the meantime Jason and Joshua lasso the pig with one of my extension cords (no longer usable) and get it hauled back into the dog pen. The pig just about pulled Jason and Joshua over in the process.
By the time I get home and get the entire story, I'm thinking this is going to be a fun evening and I wish they could have recorded the event. After changing clothes I went outside to assess the situation.
Both older boys are encompaciteted leaving myself and Zech to deal with the devil pig. I decided that there was no safe way for me to get the pig back into the pen, so we got ready for an unplanned processing.
Joshua got my rifle and the pig knew what was up. He went to the corner and hid his head from me. I finally got him to turn around and dropped him. Now we had to get him from the goat yard to the gambrel. I could pull him only a short distance by myself. He had to be near 190 lbs based on the carcass. I had Zech bring the lawn tractor around and drag it over to the processing area. Then I proceeded to skin and gut the hog. This took about 2 hours from start to finish. And yes this pig's eye popped out as well. I split the carcass so it was manageable to get it in the cooler. The bullet had entered the skull blew through the teeth and jaw bone. Exited the head and re-eneterd lower on the neck and broke the shoulder. Maybe a little overkill but the pig never knew what hit him and didn't get back up.
And yes I am still going to get some more pigs, but I may shell out the money for an added electrical deterrence.
So how was your yesterday!
These pictures are from our first hog. Due to circumstances being what they were we didn't have time to chronicle the last one 8^)

An interesting thing happened yesterday (ok a few yesterdays ago). The pig managed to get out of the pen. He tore the field fencing away from the post near the gate.
Fortunately he went into the goat yard. The other animals were not happy about it. Laura and Joshua had been throwing up in the mean time. So Laura/Sam/Zech went out to catch the pig. After chasing it around they gave up and Sam took off his gloves. Just then the pig came

Now Laura being sick takes him to the hospital. I have the car so she had to take the truck. Promptly getting it stuck backing out of the driveway. Now Jason from the trout farm had come up to look at Sam's hand and the pig. He had to get the truck unstuck and then Laura drove onto the hospital with her bowl in hand. In the meantime Jason and Joshua lasso the pig with one of my extension cords (no longer usable) and get it hauled back into the dog pen. The pig just about pulled Jason and Joshua over in the process.
By the time I get home and get the entire story, I'm thinking this is going to be a fun evening and I wish they could have recorded the event. After changing clothes I went outside to assess the situation.

Both older boys are encompaciteted leaving myself and Zech to deal with the devil pig. I decided that there was no safe way for me to get the pig back into the pen, so we got ready for an unplanned processing.
Joshua got my rifle and the pig knew what was up. He went to the corner and hid his head from me. I finally got him to turn around and dropped him. Now we had to get him from the goat yard to the gambrel. I could pull him only a short distance by myself. He had to be near 190 lbs based on the carcass. I had Zech bring the lawn tractor around and drag it over to the processing area. Then I proceeded to skin and gut the hog. This took about 2 hours from start to finish. And yes this pig's eye popped out as well. I split the carcass so it was manageable to get it in the cooler. The bullet had entered the skull blew through the teeth and jaw bone. Exited the head and re-eneterd lower on the neck and broke the shoulder. Maybe a little overkill but the pig never knew what hit him and didn't get back up.
And yes I am still going to get some more pigs, but I may shell out the money for an added electrical deterrence.
So how was your yesterday!
These pictures are from our first hog. Due to circumstances being what they were we didn't have time to chronicle the last one 8^)

Monday, April 02, 2007

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
A Surprise Goat
I’m sorry that this edition has been a bit delayed. We had a new kid about two weeks ago. Our La Mancha (Snowflake) had one kid. We had gone to a Bible Study and when we returned there was snowflake with a kid. The kid we named surprise because we had expected it later. This was Snowflake’s first kid.
The kid was a Nubian-La Mancha cross. As a result his ears are very interesting. The kid turned out to be a Billy so we banded him. Snowflake was very standoffish at first. Her stomach soon got the best of her however. She would go hide her kid in a crevice under a log and come eat. Now the kid follows his mom around the goat pen.
Last Saturday we built a milk stand. It is an interesting set up. Dad almost made it to big. We are going to milk her if all goes well.
We also had some issues with our chicks that had hatched a couple of weeks ago. We stuck them in the regular chicken yard and they got along fine with the other chickens. The problem was that they could fit through crevices that the regular chickens couldn’t. As a result they were for a couple of days roaming the goat yard and backyard at will. Today mom had me throw them in the chicken tractor.
Romans 5:15 But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man's offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many.16 And the gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned. For the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification. (NKJV)
A Surprise Goat
I’m sorry that this edition has been a bit delayed. We had a new kid about two weeks ago. Our La Mancha (Snowflake) had one kid. We had gone to a Bible Study and when we returned there was snowflake with a kid. The kid we named surprise because we had expected it later. This was Snowflake’s first kid.

Last Saturday we built a milk stand. It is an interesting set up. Dad almost made it to big. We are going to milk her if all goes well.
We also had some issues with our chicks that had hatched a couple of weeks ago. We stuck them in the regular chicken yard and they got along fine with the other chickens. The problem was that they could fit through crevices that the regular chickens couldn’t. As a result they were for a couple of days roaming the goat yard and backyard at will. Today mom had me throw them in the chicken tractor.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Movin’ Day!
with the oinkers
Even during our days in the military, we always moved ourselves. So this day was no exception. Only the fact that we were not using a moving truck and we were not moving furniture!
One thing I have learned on the farm is: If you want something done---buy an animal!! And “wheather” rain, snow or blazin heat, everyone gets to work! Building fencing, pens, or “animal shacks”. Therefore, when we got our piglets, pepperoni and salami a few weeks ago we did not have their permanent “condo” finished yet. We still had some “interior designing” to do and last minutes “brush ups”. So as in the last blog we put them in a “temporary hotel” for a few weeks.
Only we forgot they would grow……………..
The day the piglets palace was finished and it was time to move them down, and I mean way down, the steep hill. We all looked at each other kinda like……..
How we’s gonna get ‘em down there?!
A bright idea coming to dad said we will just “wheel barrow” them down there!! Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. Pick up the back legs and make them babies walk on their front two hooves.
Only we forgot how quickly they move………
My husband (yes I was the camera person, only I was laughing too hard!!) finnnnnnnnnnaly caught his piglet. Then he held it for a bit for the middle son to catch his piglet and after much chasing literally around in circles! He grabbed those back legs. SQUEALLY all the way!! Off he went with that little piglet, holding on very tightly lest it get away. Wheel barrowed him all the way
with the oinkers
Even during our days in the military, we always moved ourselves. So this day was no exception. Only the fact that we were not using a moving truck and we were not moving furniture!
One thing I have learned on the farm is: If you want something done---buy an animal!! And “wheather” rain, snow or blazin heat, everyone gets to work! Building fencing, pens, or “animal shacks”. Therefore, when we got our piglets, pepperoni and salami a few weeks ago we did not have their permanent “condo” finished yet. We still had some “interior designing” to do and last minutes “brush ups”. So as in the last blog we put them in a “temporary hotel” for a few weeks.
Only we forgot they would grow……………..
The day the piglets palace was finished and it was time to move them down, and I mean way down, the steep hill. We all looked at each other kinda like……..
How we’s gonna get ‘em down there?!
A bright idea coming to dad said we will just “wheel barrow” them down there!! Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. Pick up the back legs and make them babies walk on their front two hooves.
Only we forgot how quickly they move………

My husband (yes I was the camera person, only I was laughing too hard!!) finnnnnnnnnnaly caught his piglet. Then he held it for a bit for the middle son to catch his piglet and after much chasing literally around in circles! He grabbed those back legs. SQUEALLY all the way!! Off he went with that little piglet, holding on very tightly lest it get away. Wheel barrowed him all the way

My husband at the last minute decides not to bend over so much so he arranges his piglet right around the middle of the belly. You would have thought we were killing them on the spot-----they squealed and cried all the way down there. He tried to switch to the piglet to our oldest son who quickly tired (remember they grew!! They were now about 90lbs) It was one of the funniest things we have done so far!!
As for the piglets, they are very happy in there new “condo” it is at least 4
times their old place and is much more shaded and decorated much more to there liking!
I do believe except for me, this moving day may have been harder than our move cross country!
My husband at the last minute decides not to bend over so much so he arranges his piglet right around the middle of the belly. You would have thought we were killing them on the spot-----they squealed and cried all the way down there. He tried to switch to the piglet to our oldest son who quickly tired (remember they grew!! They were now about 90lbs) It was one of the funniest things we have done so far!!
As for the piglets, they are very happy in there new “condo” it is at least 4

Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Porkers
We have ventured into a new area for us. The Bradshaw's were thinking of getting some pigs and wondered if we were interested. I think it is safe to say that we are always interested in trying something new around here. The price was good and the delivery was free. They borrowed our goat trailer and made a few modifications for the journey. This picture brings to mind a statement: You might be a Tennessean if.....

Well it was an interesting first hour or so. Notice the before and after pictures. these fellas make short work of plowing. I wonder how they would do in the garden? Hopefully these pigs will be ready for bacon and chops in a few months. Pork is our favorite breakfast meat by far. More later on the new arrivals.

Thursday, February 08, 2007
A Few New Things and A Few Old Friend Around Our Place
This is just a quick update on the homefront here in Tennessee.

Our new goat kids, Salt and Pepper are getting big already. It seems that the one that was blind can now see. There is some type of eye infection that goats have been getting in this area that passes in a couple of weeks according to a goat raiser.

We have added to new animals to the small herd. One is Snowflake, a La Macha nanny goat that is pregnant by a Nubian. This should make an interesting combination, one almost no ears and the other one with long and floppy ears. We also picked up a 3 month old ewe lamb, called Sinnaman, we hope to add a ram in a few more months.

We had a visit from some of our brothers and sisters in Christ that live up near Washington DC. We had a really good visit. Rick helped me make a rabbit hutch I have been meaning to do for sometime. And we were able to help celebrate Joseph's birthday.

The boys loved having someone else to shoot with and play with over the short time they visited us. The Brown's are a very special family to us.
Well I think we will leave this posting for now and go relax like Zechariah has a habit of doing.
Seek to follow Christ and please Him in all things.
This is just a quick update on the homefront here in Tennessee.

Our new goat kids, Salt and Pepper are getting big already. It seems that the one that was blind can now see. There is some type of eye infection that goats have been getting in this area that passes in a couple of weeks according to a goat raiser.

We have added to new animals to the small herd. One is Snowflake, a La Macha nanny goat that is pregnant by a Nubian. This should make an interesting combination, one almost no ears and the other one with long and floppy ears. We also picked up a 3 month old ewe lamb, called Sinnaman, we hope to add a ram in a few more months.

We had a visit from some of our brothers and sisters in Christ that live up near Washington DC. We had a really good visit. Rick helped me make a rabbit hutch I have been meaning to do for sometime. And we were able to help celebrate Joseph's birthday.

The boys loved having someone else to shoot with and play with over the short time they visited us. The Brown's are a very special family to us.

Well I think we will leave this posting for now and go relax like Zechariah has a habit of doing.
Seek to follow Christ and please Him in all things.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Did I hear a "PEEP"?
We got our children a chicken incubator for Christmas this year. A perfect gift for Trisonschickery don’t ya say! Well we collect 23 eggs and popped them things in there and waited the appointed 21 days and guess what………………….

Yep, the first one must a been a rooster, for he cracked open and was a peeping loud and clear 5:45 am on Monday morning!!
Then several more decided they wanted in on the show and out they popped too! Peep peep peep . Here a peep, there a peep, everywhere a peep peep!!
There ain’t nuthin’ like seein’ a chick crack open and come out into the bright new world. They are so cute and fluffy after about an hour. They just look up at ya and peep. We had 14 hatch right away.
Just wanted to give ya a peep into whats going on here at trisons chickery these days!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

We went out to the goat pen last Saturday to check on the two new kids, born on Christmas Eve. I took out the mamma’s favorite treat---Triscuit crackers, and some corn for the other goat Buckwheat. Taking food in hopes that we could get a good look at the little cuties! As I watched my husband come to the fence side with one to show me, I noticed right away it’s eyes. And as my husband approached, he said he is blind. We were devastated! Blind? Sure enough both eyes were completely white. I recalled many times looking out the kitchen window thinking that something was wrong with the one kid---he seemed to lag behind and be smaller than the other, but I just thought that was normal when having twins. Just after my husband put him down---he ran full steam into the metal side of the shelter they live in. Yes, he was indeed blind. So much of his behavior made sense now. Poor poor thing. My heart is just broken for him. It made me thing even more of how many children with handicaps and deformities are just shrugged off and left because of imperfectness!
A more sobering parallel is the children of Israel.
The ever looking – but never seeing--- blinded people!
He said, "Go and tell this people: "'Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.' Isaiah 6:9
A scary thought. As we watch this wee little kid bump into things, often frightened, how easily it would be to led it into danger and destruction. And this is just what happened to the hard hearted Israelites. They were blinded to the Truth, which led them down the road to their own “light” and to make up their own “truth”. A new religion that had no need for light at all. The sad thing is they were never “seeing” their need for a Redeemer!
We often think we would never be like that. Yet I challenge you. What have you turned a “deaf” ear to that has spoken to you in God’s Word. What Truths do you simply culturalize out so you do not have to obey. Or perhaps you just don’t read much of the Word so you don’t have much to obey? I think we do, it just looks different.
Just one last note on this thought of “blinded” to the Truth is in evangelizing others. Though we are commanded to do so in the “Great Commission” However, we are NOT to coheres, persuade, manipulate, give a man centered gospel, share an easy believism, or in any way do God’s work in “opening eyes”! We are not the “eye openers”! We are not the “converters”. We are not the heart changers. We are the gospel proclaimers as the Holy Spirit gives us opportunities! And nothing more. Anything else is saying that God can not save a person without our help. And that my friends is simply not true.
Walk in The Light!
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7
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