The rabbits are doing well. We had to separate the two male Florida whites. The female had one offspring but it died, I believe to the excessive heat this summer. The two dwarf rabbits we were given are very cuddly, much more so than the others.

The Cornish and Cornish cross broilers are coming along fine. We have not lost anymore as of yet. I am still not very impressed with the red broilers. I will probably not order from Ideal hatchery again. I was not pleased with the breed stock we received from them. My plan is to allow our youngest son to try and raise some breeding stock from the Dark Cornish (definitely the hardiest of this batch). We plan on keeping two hens from this group for breeding with our Buff Orpington Rooster. We are trying our hand at our own cross meat bird.

We have had our goats for one week now. They were very skiddish at first, but they have warmed up to us. Especially if you happen to have feed in your hands. We are letting Nanny dry up for now. More due from the lack of a milking stand and milking area. We hope to get both built in the near future just to get her used to the idea of being milked. For now we are relying on some contraband raw Jersey cow milk.

Lastly our regular chickens now have a much larger chicken yard, while having less protection. We have removed the old fence and installed some field fencing. I feel that soon we will be installing chicken wire over the field fence both to keep birds in and other animals out.

Our guest rooster has been wondering about trying to figure out how to get at the other rooster and with the hens. After clipping his wings and the goats running him around, he still seems to say IIII AAAMMM THEEEEE MANNNNN!.
So much like us in our own pride. Thinking we are all that and more - while in truth we are nothing. The Lord thankfully is patient and correcting toward his children as he seeks to purge the pride out of our lives, especially my own.
Psalm 49:5-7 Why should I fear in days of adversity, When the iniquity of my foes surrounds me, Even those who trust in their wealth And boast in the abundance of their riches? No man can by any means redeem his brother Or give to God a ransom for him--
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