The colors are starting to change around our part of the woods now. I just really enjoy this time of year as the weather cools and life slows down. We would all do well to slow down and take time to reflect on how we have spent our time this year.
We have had some water issues lately. It seems our well, which is set to a depth of 130 feet and has about a 20 foot water level, had a leaking pipe system. With all of the sediment and loss of pressure I thought it was running dry. While it is a little low, we should be back up and running today, although a little poorer in the process ($2,100). Since we don’t have a back up power system I decided to go ahead and hook up to county water. That was the expensive part. It seems the utility department is afraid of our well water so a $600 backflow- preventer has to be installed. But with all of that we have yet to be without water. The Lord has been very merciful to us during this dry year

The goats have really taken to their new surrounding. I expect we will have some goat kids by February. Maybe then we can try our hand at milking and cheese making.
Our co-cow owners (and pasture/cooler providers) and our family are getting ready to butcher an Angus steer. Hopefully by the 7th of October. This will be a first for all of us. If our past experience with chickens is any indicator, I am sure it will be a time of great learning and encouragement. May our lives be open enough to take time and spend with others. Helping each other and learning to serve one another in love.

As we try to learn more of the ways of a self sufficient country life, we don’t want to forget to be salt and light to a lost and dying world.