A total of 6 chicks from this batch have died, three more red Broilers have been isolated. I believe the Red Broilers have been over all weaker but more active than the standard broiler cross. Since they tend to sit around more than the other chicks they seemed to get stepped on a lot, that is why we are isolating these few to give them a chance to recover. We have a Dark Cornish and a Red Broiler in one picture together the Red Broiler is the larger of the two. In the other picture is a Buff Cornish.
On the layer front we are having some issues with the hens pecking and breaking the eggs. This has only occurred since we have added a friends additional six hens. I can only conclude that the area is becoming overly congested for the chickens. We are separating out some of the culprits, the other hens seem to readily pickup their bad habits. I plan on enlarging the pen this weekend if I can finish off the goat pen.

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