The Wiggins: California transplants now in Middle Tennessee: Our Hearts Desire is to Follow Christ and to Live our Lives here on Earth to the Glory of God
About Me

- Waves of Grace
- A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Boy were we surprised this Christmas eve!! Nanny had twins!! I ain’t kiddin’ either! We woke up Sunday Morning Dec 24th to the cutest twin new born baby goats!! (new parents always say that) We were so excited. All are doing well.
I thought how very cold they must be in the simple lean too structure they called “home”. It is just a pallet with some scrap tin on top. IT is completely open in the front. Not much room for the two goats we have plus two new ones.
Not that we would dare compare this to the Birth oF Jesus. But with the day of the year it was, I could not help but immediately think of my Lord. And what meek and humble conditions it was for him on His birth of which we were on the eve to celebrate. (I know the exact date is not known)
We thought it a special Christmas gift, that came as a reminder of the humanity of His birth & His birth for humanity!
(Pictures will have to wait. Our digital camera finally quit working after 7 years.)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Before they hatch!

We have all heard the saying don’t count your chickens before they hatch! There is truth to this saying. In our own lives we have done that financially and ended up with a “bunch of cracked eggs”!! There ended up not being any chickens!
With a society of “credit cards” we have disproved this old country saying. However, these “credit card” chickens taste like plastic!! Let me tell you about a recent story of how our family personally experienced this lesson in “real life”, then we can talk again of perhaps a deeper meaning of this.

Well we got everything set up, we had our friends over and we were going to process about 11 chickens this time, 4 of those 11 were the egg eaters! Guess what we found in the egg eaters?????? Betcha can’t guess………you’re right, eggs!! I’m not “yoking” either. We had always processed young/early chickens so we had never come across the “unhatched eggs” before. But of several different stages were big round orange yokes with a thin clear covering that we pulled out of the chickens while we were getting the other “stuff” out of them!
So there ya go…………….the real “chickens before they were hatched”!! We had never seen them

Now for a more serious note. How many times do we count our chickens before they hatch? I thought about this a lot. And one very deceptive way we do this is through the use of credit cards. It still boils down to buying what you do not have money for. Just like in the old days where leans were put against a crop or a house etc for money. We just have a simpler (I say a deadlier), means of “counting your chickens before they hatch” and those credit cards add up quicker than dirty dishes in a sink!
So I hope you enjoyed the Chicken/Egg story (it is a true story) and the challenge to not “count your chickens before they hatch” in any form lest they hatch a snake and bite you!
Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." And he told them this parable: "The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. He thought to himself, 'What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.' "Then he said, 'This is what I'll do. I will tear down my barns

Monday, November 20, 2006

Well it has been a really amazing adventure with "RIBEYE". From the pasture to the plate, this has provided us with an extraordinary experience. There is a deep sense of appreciation for where the meat on the table comes from, and just how much effort it takes to place it there.
This past Saturday we went over to the Bradshaw's for the final packaging of the cow quarters. After hanging the meat for four weeks I was a little unsure of what to expect.

We started by processing the rear quarters first. Keith had set up the HOW TO video in the basement, which turn out to be a real help getting started. We each processed our meat in a little different fashion.
The Bradshaw's went for a more conventional cut processing while we had c

Zechariah asked if he could cut up the meat for hamburger. I was a little hesitant at first, but then decided that it would be nice for him to be able to help. I kept a close eye on him because the knives were really sharp. He really did a wonderful job. When he was done he toes out some time to play with Luke. It really blessed my heart-to see some loving fruit in his life.

In the end we filled up a very large cooler, along with another smaller cooler and one larger water cooler. It filled up the bed of the truck nicely. We ended up with a freezer full of meat, but it looks like so much less when it is all packed up. I really cannot judge with any certainty how long a half of a cow will last our family. It will take a little more experience and planning to be able to provide for our meat usage for each year.

This is the best tasting meat I have ever had. I would like to thank the Bradshaws and Ribeye. The Bradshaws gave a lot, but Ribeye gave his all. :-)
The boys got in a few minutes of play before it was time to go home. Quite frankly I am not sure where they came up with the energy after all of the work they did.
This was by far one of the best times I have ever had with my family. There was no complaining, no fussing-just willing hearts working in peace and harmony together. Not perfection, but love in action. We were all tired-and I do mean totally exhausted, and yet there were no grumpy or self-centered comments. This is the way it should be, the LORD richly blessed this day in the life of our family.

1 Peter 1:12-14 12It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, in these things which now have been announced to you through those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven--things into which angels long to look. 13Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 14As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance

Our Billy Goat had become somewhat of a problem lately. He was butting our new buckling, our pregnant Nanny Goat and various fence parts; plus he smelled really bad. It was time for us to recoup our money out of him in meat.

It was a real interesting slaughter attempt. We used a 22 caliber rifle at first, but it bounced off of Bill's head. Not a good way to make friends with a goat. I had the boys go get me a bigger gun, my .308, it finished him off quickly.

Joshua offered to drag the goat up to the processing area. This wasn't an offer I was about to turn down.

With a lot of patience and effort on the kids part we got the hide and guts off of the carcass.

Now with Billy out of the picture we can breed Nanny in a few months with our Nubian goat "Buckwheat".
We will keep you up-to-date with the progress of our growing goat milk efforts. Since we have never milked anything nor have we ever had goat kids, it should be really interesting.

Even the dog seemed to get better acquainted with Billy after his demise. It is interesting to note that Nanny (in the background) seemed to be quite happy that Billy was gone so she enjoyed the grain he had been previously consuming.
We borrowed a cooler from some friends to age the meat. We placed about 4 cups of vinegar along with 10 cups of salt into the cooler and filled it with water and ice bottles. This was changed out twice. The end result yielded us meat free of Billy goat smell and taste.

This has been a real adventure for us. I am not particularly found of killing animals, but I have been very pleased with the end results. We have been very isolated from where our food comes from and the death and processing involved. The boys and Laura and I have a greater appreciation of the food the Lord provides to us now than ever before. We know that our livestock have been well treated, feed and processed in clean conditions.
Genesis 9:2 The fear and dread of you will fall upon all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands. 3 Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. 4 "But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it.
Monday, November 06, 2006

Revisiting the Past
As age has crept upon me, I find myself taking inventory of my life from time to time. The most recent time came as we took my oldest son (now 15 years old) back to St. Judes Children’s Research Hospital for his annual check-up. As I looked around the hospital and the various clinics, I saw parents dealing with the same issue Laura and I had dealt with some years earlier. Many of the staff members are the still here after 13 years. One nurse I saw had gotten a divorce 8 years previously. Others had aged somewhat, but were still doing the same jobs has they had for so many years. It occurred to me while we were waiting for Samuel’s appointments, that these people have gone about their daily lives everyday since we first met them. Whether it was soccer, marriage, birth, death divorce, they had a certain routine and stability. This may seem so obvious to most people, but it wasn’t to me until just then. As I reflected back on our early days at the hospital, I could still remember the intensity that my family’s life took on.

Most of our time for the next 2 ½ years would revolve around the treatment of Samuel’s cancer. We would f

Now what is the real point to telling this tale? It wasn’t to draw attention to ourselves, but rather it is to answer the question “So What?” As I looked back over this time God exposed something lacking in my life today. That intense singleness of mind had somehow gotten lost in living life. Each day God gave me sufficient grace for what lay ahead.

Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves to the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness? Romans 6:16
Our lives must be lived in view of eternity. The only things that will last will be those things done in obedience to righteousness. I am not speaking of monastery living - but rather to live each moment in presence and fear of my Holy God. There will be no middle ground, God’s word is clear. Your life is not your own nor your money nor your time-nothing is yours you are but a steward that will one day give an account to God. You cannot serve to masters. You are either for or against God.
For if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body you will live. Romans 8:13
Do you prefer to obey God always or do you demand your own way?

Remember the standard is not better than someone else… “And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.” 1 John 3:3
Many people call themselves by the name of Christ, deluding themselves and leading others on to hell. We are called to examine ourselves to see if indeed we are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). So what about your life…are you in Christ…does Christ know you… (Matthew 7:20-23).
Just a closing thought. If you haven’t experienced this my next statement may not make much since. If there had been anyway to have spared my child from going through this I would have gladly done it, but I wouldn’t take anything for the chance to walk through it. Only one thing I count on in this world is that all God does in my life is for my ultimate good and His glory, Amen!

Friday, November 03, 2006
At our house “Science” is a relative word. I gave up teaching “textbook Science” because it could not compare to
“Science by Accident”. Now really you can laugh here! I am only going to share

Remember, we are city folks---gone country. So part of the “country scene” is gardening and then canning what you get! So here we were all ready to go…………
The garden failed completely----a big NOTHIN’ grew! We were very disappointed. Kinda hard blow on the old country ego----that we just weren’t country material if we couldn’t even grow us a garden.
BUT, we did not give up so easily! I just decided that maybe it was too much and I would just go to the Farmer’s Market to buy the produce I needed to can. And so we did…….
The first we bought was green beans! I love green beans. So I bought 2 bushels and spent a Looooooooooooong day snapin’ and the boys joined in the fun too. Ya got to call it fun or the boys will think they are working!!
I got some suggestions from some friends and set out to can. Now I had made some jellies and applebutter before so I thought this couldn’t be too hard. I just did not know how long to waterbath the greenbeans. So I said well, jelly is 10 minutes, I’ll do the green beans a bit longer at 25 minutes.
Stayed up to midnight when the last jar was set on the counter. 45 quarts all pooping their seals, sitting ever so nicely on the counter. I was so proud of this accomplish----though I was dead tired!! (I thought country life was supposed to be relaxing, I felt like I had been run over by a mack truck!!) The next morning I admired our first job again and then found a pantry closet………………..until…………………
Now those of you who are avid canners are already laughing, but those of you who do not can---get ready! A week and ½ later……………….
A strange smell began to emerge from around the trash can in the kitchen-------which happens to be by the pantry door when my beautiful canned green beans were. For a few days I was sorta not really bothered, but it kept getting stronger and stronger. The previous Sunday our dog who normally is VERY good, had an “accident” upstairs on the only piece of carpet we have-------and believe me it was rather odorous maximus!!! We had used the rainbow vacuum to clean up the mess from the dog. Anyway, I thought that the smell was coming from the vacuum cleaner which also was housed in that same small pantry by the trash can along with the green beans!.......... (Amazing how much stuff I can fit in a small space!)
So finally when the smell was NOT going away, I had my oldest son take the vacuum out back and check it all out to see if it was the culprit of the now nasty smell!! He was obedient and did as I asked, but to my dismay, the vacuum came up “clean” excuse the pun!! It was not the vacuum after all. Now I was really stumped.
Finally, my oldest son realizing he would probably be the one to do the investigating, decided to jump start and find the source of the smell himself. And he did………………….
He brings to me in the living room a can of green beans and said, “Mom is all the liquid supposed to be drained out?”
I quickly jumped up took the can and smelled…………oh yeah!
There is not much more gross than rotten food to smell!! Several of the “beautiful” cans of green beans had exploded!! Several more on the way. Come to find out all had to be thrown out for they were not pressure canned!! I did not know.
WHAT A MESS!! Well as my husband and boys dumped out all the jars outside into the trash, (I was busy on the front porch crying my eyes out!) “Why did this happen daddy?” Thus the “science lesson” continues. He explained what had happened and then they wanted to make some more for hand grenades to play with!!
My thoughts, that though the green beans were beautiful on the outside they were rotten on the inside. What is in your heart will come out.
As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man. Proverbs 27:19
It was not very long at all before what was inside the jar came out!! And it was no longer pretty!! It stank! So it is with us. Whether we store up wickedness or righteousness in our hearts, it will come out!
What are you storing up “canning” in you heart?
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Notice something in this picture? That’s our newest edition to the goat pen. He is comin’ in for a flyin’ leap across the finish line at the goat-Olympics. It is sort of like the Olympics a lot of the time in the goat pen. We picked up our new Nubian buckling Monday night from a friend (the

Buckin’ Bronco? Buckwheat is.
To give you an idea of Buckwheat’s size he is about 4 months old and weighs 64 pounds. The eventual idea is to phase Billy the Kid (our other buck goat) out into the freezer and replace him with a milk breed (Buckwheat).


The goats have really thinned out the weeds in their pen. Tuesday night we placed some scrap tin on an existing exercise platform to give Buckwheat some protection from the weather since the others don’t really want to let him into the shelter. Nanny is getting along fine. We expect her to deliver by Christmas. We’ve have some egg eating chickens (they’re Buff Orpingtons) and I think that they are going to end up in the stew pot. We’ve giving these chickens several chances and done all we know how to do and they eat more than they produce.

Friday, October 27, 2006
The day finally came for "RIBEYE" the steer to start on his way to becoming steak and hamburger. The killing went fairly quickly. The first shot took him down, the his throat was cut to let him bleed out. Ribeye tried a few times to raise up and kick Keith as he tried to chain the legs for hoisting. He wasn't quite ready to give up so a second shot was in order. This brought him to a quick end. As you can see from the picture Ribeye isn't half the cow he used to be and it took a lot of guts to get him that way. All four quarters are hanging nicely now in the Allelon Farm

I think the other cows are looking for Ribeye!

The boys work diligently at preparing the hide for tanning. A first cut (pun intended) was made at fleshing the hide (only the bug chunks). Tomorrow we will get back together to finish the fleshing process and prepare the hide for the next step in the preservation process. If the cameras are ready we will catalog the whole

I am looking forward to processing our next batch of chickens. They are still a little small but hopefully they will fill out a little more by mid November. We plan on keeping two cornish hens to cross with our buff orpington rooster and hopefully raise our own meat bird stock.
Our Nanny goat is very pregnant. Hopefully we will have some milk in a month or two. We are looking forward to raising the goats and trying our hand at making butter, cheese and soap.

God has been very gracious to us. We are thankful for the circle of brothers and sisters in Christ He has placed us in.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
WARNING...The following blogging entry has photos of chicken processing. If you don't care for seeing how birds are butchered please close your eyes as you read.
The kids told me the other day they were having problems with our Aracana rooster. He was our bonus bird thrown in with the batch of broilers we processed back in June. We had never tried killing a bird the old fashioned way by chopping off the head...So we decided to let the kids give it a try. We have all heard stories of how the birds hop around and generally make a mess.
We took an chunk of a tree we had recently cut down as the chopping block and Joshua sharpened up his throwing axe.
The bird was none too happy about the event and was a bit uncooperative.
Well that bird lost his head over the whole matter and was soon hopping mad...Although seemingly without much direction. Reminds me a lot of the management around where I work. Oh well lets not dwell too much on that right now.
Well after a bit of excitement everything calmed down and it was time to hand the bird up and let him finish bleeding out before we started the plucking process.
Laura wasn't all that happy about where we hung him to drip, but that humming bird feeder hanger was mighty convenient.Well after we hung the bird up we decided to salvage a few feathers off of him before he went into the scalding pot. And not being ones that like to waste much (the dog really likes our chickens-not in the best way for their health), I had Samuel give the head of the bird to our dog. She generally gets all of the organ meat and has a real liking for the feet, but this is the first we gave her of a head. It didn't take her too long to separate most of the hackle feathers and devour the head.
Next comes the scalding pot. This losens up the feathers and makes them come out relatively easy. The best way we have found to check the readiness of the bird is to try pulling on the pin feathers in the wing. When that comes out easy then it is ready for plucking. Don't leave it in there too long or that skin will come off with the feathers when you pluck it. This bird stayed 2 1/2 minutes in water at 140 degrees F.
This rooster plucked extremely easy. We had a few too many hands involved. It is really a one person job, but all three boys had a desire to participate. It works better when you have more birds. It was good to go back to the old way of doing things, if just for the experience. One can get a bit spoiled by the Bradshaw Bullet Bucket.
Next comes the gutting (if you want the $5 word its eviscerate). This type of bird has a much smaller body cavity, so I had to be a bit more careful make the cuts. Overall it went very smoothly. Didn't get one complaint out of that bird.
The bird dressed out at 2.5 lbs. A bit small but enough for a meal. I can't stress enough how much better these normal birds taste when compared to the standard broiler variety. It takes them a bit longer to grow, but then they don't eat near as much. The skin feels more like a latex, you need a sharp knife to cut it with. But it makes a delicious broth. Now tonight we are going to cook this bird up. He will be our gust of honor at dinner.
All things said, it is good to know where our food comes from and how it was raised and slaughtered. It gives me a better appreciation for life and death.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6