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A family of five (Dad, Mom, and three sons) seeking to live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A NU-(bian) Goat

Notice something in this picture? That’s our newest edition to the goat pen. He is comin’ in for a flyin’ leap across the finish line at the goat-Olympics. It is sort of like the Olympics a lot of the time in the goat pen. We picked up our new Nubian buckling Monday night from a friend (the Goat’s name is Buckwheat).

Buckin’ Bronco? Buckwheat is.

To give you an idea of Buckwheat’s size he is about 4 months old and weighs 64 pounds. The eventual idea is to phase Billy the Kid (our other buck goat) out into the freezer and replace him with a milk breed (Buckwheat). We don’t really want to be milking a goat that has a lot of Boer in it as Nanny has a lot of Alpine.

I don’t know how many of you can jump on top of your house, but Billy the Kid can.

The goats have really thinned out the weeds in their pen. Tuesday night we placed some scrap tin on an existing exercise platform to give Buckwheat some protection from the weather since the others don’t really want to let him into the shelter. Nanny is getting along fine. We expect her to deliver by Christmas. We’ve have some egg eating chickens (they’re Buff Orpingtons) and I think that they are going to end up in the stew pot. We’ve giving these chickens several chances and done all we know how to do and they eat more than they produce.


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