Long Break since our last post...

We have been sick, busy, lazy, distracted and generally forgetful when it has come to keeping the blog up to date.

We took a trip to Missouri to buy a 16 ft trailer from Laura's folks. Buttinz wanted to go but she didn't care for the cramped conditions.
Our two oldest boys went to church camp with the youth from Theta Baptist. They had a very blessed time. From the sermons to the songs (live band Lazar Lazar).

This has been a mild summer. So much for global warming. We had some deer coming up close to the house the other day. The boys are looking forward to the early bow season in August.

Our pigs are growing little by little. They are funny to watch but will taste even better come late fall.
Mike and Krista came up for a visit and we all had a blast. It was a really good time had by all.

Well I will try to keep things more current, we are going to California for a few days in August.
Till then