The Ewe Lamb
I have always had a big spot in my heart for sheep. I love all the animals on our farm. There are chickens to cluck & pigs to squeal. 3 sheep (one of which I will talk about later). One rolly polly fat pet miniature goat but of course, he is not allowed inside the house! But we all love the dog! Also, we have turkeys just in time for Thanksgiving. Not to mention, the Christmas goose (we have a few of those!) Our most recent additions are two cows that my brother owns. One is a bottle calf and the other a young heifer. Oh and I almost forgot, we have rabbits too! But out of all the animals the sheep steal my heart!
So when my dad & another sheep man were talking one day. The other man mentioned that he had a ewe lamb that looked like the ram we had. It got my dad to thinking………………

And my dad act me if I wanted to buy the ewe lamb and I seed yes so he tolled the man that I wooed buy it and I did so. She is part hair sheep & part wool sheep. She
is about 9 months old and very cute. I named her Éclair because of her spectacular color arrangement! Yes, she looks just like the “Éclair donut”!! She is dark brown on the majority of her body, then she has a fuzzy caramel topping all on her back. And an adorable cute white face.
I love her!
She blends well with Rocky Roads, the ram that looks like her. And the other sheep Sinoman (Cinnamon) all “hoof” around together! I have so many other things to be grateful for especially my ewe lamb Éclair!
Written by: Zechariah
The Ewe Lamb
I have always had a big spot in my heart for sheep. I love all the animals on our farm. There are chickens to cluck & pigs to squeal. 3 sheep (one of which I will talk about later). One rolly polly fat pet miniature goat but of course, he is not allowed inside the house! But we all love the dog! Also, we have turkeys just in time for Thanksgiving. Not to mention, the Christmas goose (we have a few of those!) Our most recent additions are two cows that my brother owns. One is a bottle calf and the other a young heifer. Oh and I almost forgot, we have rabbits too! But out of all the animals the sheep steal my heart!
So when my dad & another sheep man were talking one day. The other man mentioned that he had a ewe lamb that looked like the ram we had. It got my dad to thinking………………

And my dad act me if I wanted to buy the ewe lamb and I seed yes so he tolled the man that I wooed buy it and I did so. She is part hair sheep & part wool sheep. She
is about 9 months old and very cute. I named her Éclair because of her spectacular color arrangement! Yes, she looks just like the “Éclair donut”!! She is dark brown on the majority of her body, then she has a fuzzy caramel topping all on her back. And an adorable cute white face.
I love her!
She blends well with Rocky Roads, the ram that looks like her. And the other sheep Sinoman (Cinnamon) all “hoof” around together! I have so many other things to be grateful for especially my ewe lamb Éclair!
Written by: Zechariah