Six Little Piggies
You've all heard the story of the three little pigs. I would like to up
the number to six little pigs. Since raising our first batch of porkers
we have decided we like then end BBQ results. So we set out to purchase our next set off piglets.
We found of a man in Beech Grove that raised pigs from a friend, so off we go to get them. The man's name was Duke. Funny he kind of looked like the uncle on Dukes of Hazard. We met him at a gas station and followed him down some back roads to the pig pens. He had already separated 6 piglets out for us, so in short order we were off with our pigs in our goat trailer (more on that later).
By the time we got home it was quite late so we left the pigs in the trailer for the night. After all it held them all the way home. It should be safe over night. Well come the next morning I go out to look at the little varmints. Only problem is they are all gone! So I wake up the house and sent out the search parties (I have to leave for work ~ fortunately enough). Well they searched all morning to no avail. But somehow these pigs made it several miles down the road to a friends
Trout farm.

Talk about divine intervention. Only the Lord could have done this for us! Our friends caught three of the little boogers, lassoed one of them. The other three must have gone the other direction. Laura and the boys hurried off to get them, only to discover that when put in the
trailer they worked themselves almost out. I guess goat panels are best to hold in goats not pigs. Well a little chicken wire and rope later
the trailer was secure. Being that I didn't want to chase anymore pigs I stopped and picked up some humane (not sure what makes them humane but I guess it keeps PETA happy) nose rings on the way home. The pigs have a way of digging out of things. Well wouldn't you know those pigs didn't want to cooperate with the procedure. Sam held them and man did they squeal - all before I had touched them. When I actually put the rings in they got rather quite.

One particular piglet was very unhappy and tried his best to shake that thing loose. We got them all relocated to a dog pen until they get a little bigger. The hog pen has one section of fence installed upside down (big holes at the bottom - bad for little pigs). I had given up any hope of finding the other piglets. Then we got a call the 4th of July. They had been found at a neighbors house down the road - so off the boys and I went to get them. Well that is easier said
than done. They had made their way into the neighbors Buffalo pen, and the Buffalo were none to happy about it. So with one eye on the Buffalo and one on the pigs we preceded to chase them for the better part of an hour. I sure a very funny sight. One old fat man with three boys being
out done by three little pigs.
The Buffalo and myself were not amused. I figured we need to try
another tactic. I sent Sam home for the 22. If they weren't about to
be caught then I wasn't about to just throw away the purchase price.
Well five shots later the pigs were caught - albeit dead. We hurried
home and skinned them out and put them on ice. I cooked up two last
night and froze the third one for another day.
All in all I can't complain about the end results. God provided in the
midst of our comedy - we could have had none but were blessed with
plenty. I couldn't help but draw some similarities. Pigs are wise in
their own eyes. They want their own way and are constantly skeeming for
an escape. We are much like the pigs without Christ. We think we are
pretty smart. Sheep on the other hand are very dependent upon the
shepherd. They might wounder off but they really don't do so on
purpose. They are quite dumb. As we truly are to God's ways. We tend
to be wise in our own eyes, but it is foolishness when compared to God.
Follow Christ and don't trust in yourself. Well that's the end of this
story. Six little piggies went off on their own way - which way will
you go.